
The BergsCaddie is a superhero in disguise, assisting you with all your day-to-day needs... kind of like Batman.

Whilst a lot of people only associate a shopping trolley with your weekly Tesco trip, a trolley such as the BergsCaddie has so many uses, making it the perfect multi-functional product. From fishing to fairs, picnics to pear-picking, the list goes on. Lugging your camping gear half a mile to the tent pitch will be a thing of the past when you can load this trolley up and go. Our Caddies are gender-neutral and our colourways are subtle, making this brilliant for men and women alike. The pièce de résistance? It comes with a sturdy, comfortable pull out seat, so you can take 5 minutes to put your feet up and relax during a busy day. All you’ll need is a cup of tea to feel like you’re at home.

What’s different about BergsDesigns bags?

The seat trolleys are made with a sturdy yet lightweight aluminium frame, designed to be easy to maneuver. The bar is overlaid with a comfortable and easy to grip material. Our foldable seat is strong, holding up to 100kg. If the seat hasn’t got you nodding like Churchill the dog, how about an insulated cool bag compartment for your lunch? Pretty cool huh?!

Did you know?

With a reusable shopping trolley such as this, you could save over 500 single-use plastic bags per year! Over the span of a lifetime, that’s 35,000 bags. Single-use plastic bags are made using non-renewable resources, and take huge amounts of energy to manufacture, transport, and recycle. Although this type of plastic is recyclable in theory, it causes massive problems at recycling plants by blocking equipment. It also releases harmful chemicals over time. Which is why, if you haven’t made the switch to a more eco-friendly alternative yet, now’s the time.

Skip out on the details? We don’t think so. Features on this trolley include:

  • Strong aluminium frame.
  • Very lightweight.
  • Water-resistant.
  • Hard-wearing material.
  • 50L capacity.
  • Zipped pockets for added security.
  • Durable wheels.
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